The Heart of a Great Music System – Power and Isolation in Perfect Harmony
Feel the music, it is visceral…..
MusicWorks products have been developed through more than 20 years of listening led research. The listening was always music focussed – attempting to retain the power, timing, pitch, harmonic and dynamic information in the original recorded envelope.
As the power distribution products pushed system energy, so the isolation products had to be developed to prevent the energy that is the source of realism, from overwhelming the system’s ability to offer insight into performance.
These products, while being applicable separately, really come into their own when used together.
A novel composite material, developed by MusicWorks over 10 years. This has been having a powerful effect in our own ecosystem for the last three years. By applying AcouPlex upgrades to our ReFlex power distribution block, the power of AcouPlex to lower the noise floor of a system, bringing focus, subtlety and power to the music, has been noted much more widely.
Roy Gregory sorts his high end electronics with AcouPlex shelving adapted for third party high end racks. He also mentions the Aardvark ethernet noise isolator that we represent in the UK.
This is AcouPlex applied to the highest end audio system (£1million plus) but it works equally well on all good systems…
ReFlex G5 Ultra Power Distribution Block
Full AcouPlex Chassis

This new distribution block completes our challenge to harness the power of AcouPlex isolation in the most important component of a high performance audio system, the source of all power, and, even more importantly, the signal reference 0V point.
Top plate, base plate and shims are now all AcouPlex, as are top and base fixings. The results are beyond our expectations.

High End review site (and audio resource centre extrodinaire) GY8.EU carried out this full evaluation of AcouPlex. It is a long read, but absolutely nails the AcouPlex effect on a range of systems, and music.
GY8_Acouplex-ReviewTo navigate through product pages, hover over the page, then use the up and down arrow tool at the bottom of the page.
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